Our Library
Our Library is organized using the Pourrey Cross Classification. This was developed by the original folks of Interweave to catalogue their own library.
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Pourrey Cross Categories
- Indexes
- Dictionaries, Encyclopedias
- General textile crafts
- Industry and technology
- Fibers
- Color and Design
- Collections and Exhibits
- Making a living with textiles
- Textile History
- Geographic/ethnic
- Dyeing general and history
- Dyes and dye plants
- Dye techniques
- Spinning general and history
- Spinning equipment
- Spinning techniques
- Spinning fibres
- Weaving general and history
- Simple loom weaving
- Weaving tools and equipment
- General weaving
- Loom preparation
- Weaving design
- Pattern drafts—twill, double weave, rep etc.
- Applied weaving projects
- Cloth and needlework
- Knitting
- Lace
- Embroidery
- Quilting
- Sewing
- Basketry
- Knotting techniques
- Beadwork
- Other techniques